Vampires and werewolves have complete immunity against any disease. The game becomes rather pointless, however, if other players decide to be werewolves or vampires. The 50 percent disease resistance of Argonians is commendable. Read on to find out every Skyrim race that can be selected. Today, we will discuss which is the best and most beneficial option.
Additionally, they are granted a select few traits or abilities that are exclusive to the race they are a member of. Nevertheless, they have an advantage in terms of their play style. It is difficult to pigeonhole the player into a certain role based on the choice. They range from magical High Elf to the powerful and combat-ready Orc. Despite this, Skyrim still presents players with at least one decisive choice that impacts their skills and innate abilities at the start of the game.
In comparison with earlier Elder Scrolls titles, character creation is very simplified.